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Showing posts from September, 2021

The acts of 'Me'

We are always afraid to let alone, at the same time all our acts lead to isolation, we want more possession than others in many ways, more marks than others when we grow up as kids, more salary than others as adults, more luxuries than others, more peace and better way to leave the world and a better after life than others in old age and so on. ~Points inferred from K

Suppression and Understanding

 Suppression in any form brings about revolt, be it suppressing people, suppressing desires, suppressing anything. On the other hand, when there is a deep understanding about a particular entity then there is fusion in it, as in the political and corporate world that's how consensus comes into being for long term plans with cohesion and without oppression on any opinion.   Quoting K in this regard, "When we are not awakened then only without noticing we sip poison from a bottle, but when we are awakened and aware, we read the label of the bottle clearly and hence we don't touch it"


 Reaction is essentially our conditioned response to various types of actions, which is nothing but an opposite of action. But non-reaction to action is the opposite of opposite which nullifies the cause and effect. The less we react the more peaceful we are. 

Focus and Productivity

 The lesser the browsers you have opened, the more productive you are. Might have referred to this anecdote earlier in the blog, but still, when we juggle between thoughts too fast we don't see anything clear, just like when we tune a FM radio too fast all we hear is only the disturbance, but when we tune it down slowly we arrive at the right channels.

Lee Kuan Yew on Governing India

 Often in our nation whenever we get a chance to interact with people who are interested in the nation and its politics, they will usually tell India needs to be transformed like Singapore.   Let us hear it from the man himself, Lee Kuan Yew, the founder father of Singapore who answered a question on this subject when he was alive.   Lee Kuan Yew on governing India  Just to have a brief, in 1965 Singapore came out of Malaysia under his leadership as a new country after some differences with Malaysia. From that place to where Singapore is today, it needs no words to explain. In the 30 years of Prime Ministership till 1990, he put Singapore on the world as a developed nation.  In that video, India is a unique and diverse nation where a certain proportion of the population might not understand the language of the PM. He also mentions China, where predominantly the language is the same.   It is easy for us to say to make India like Singapore, China, US, UK, Germany, but India is India that

PV Narasimha Rao and Foreign Policy

 We have written a couple of times in this blog about the wise former Prime Minister of India, PV Narasimha Rao about his contributions to this rebuilding of India in the early '90s after trying circumstances under which he became the Prime minister of this great nation. For some reason we rarely know about him mainly guess because of the limited coverage on him in the mainstream media. The writer too discovered his impeccable contributions to nation-building as recently as 2019. We will write in more detail when the times again about this wise man.   We are giving a reference to his joint dialogue with former president of the US, Bill Clinton in 1994 at the white house. Kindly help to plug in the headphones if interested to go through this video, the first 15 minutes is what covers the topic. Narasimha Rao in the US  Today people speak about how New India has emerged and all the rest of it. But when he became the PM, under trying economic, domestic and international political cond

Noise and Security

 People make noise only when they think they are insecure. When they think they are secure people are mum.  குறைக்குடம் கூத்தாடும் ! நிறைக்குடம் ததும்பாது !!

K's holistic talk

 If one wants to listen to only one of J Krishnamurti's talks, this would be it, as mentioned in one of the comments on the video, provided if one listens till the end attentively. K's holistic talk

நாள் சொல்லும் சேதி (24/09/2007)

 மட்டைப்பந்து ஆட்டத்தை உற்று நோக்குபவர்களுக்கு இந்த நாள் (24/09/2007) நன்றாக நினைவிருக்கும். இந்த நாளில் தான் முதலாவது 20 ஓவர் உலகப் கோப்பையையின் இறுதி ஆட்டம் நடைப்பெற்றது. அன்றைய தினம் மகேந்திர சிங் தோனி இந்தியாவிற்காக தனது முதல் கோப்பையைப் பெற்றார். இது ஒரு சரித்திர பதிவு, அதன் பிறகு இந்திய மட்டைப்பந்து அணி 20 ஓவர் உலகப் கோப்பையைக் கைப்பற்றவில்லை என்பதும் குறிப்பிட்டதக்கது.  சரி இதில் நமக்கு என்ன முக்கியத்துவம் இருக்கிறது ? இங்கே குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது என்னவென்றால், அதே 5 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு நடைப்பெற்ற ஒரு நாள் உலகக்கோப்பை போட்டியில் இந்திய அணி முதல் சுற்றுலேயே வெளியேறியிருந்ததாலும், 20 ஓவர் ஆட்டத்தில் ஆசிய அணிகளுக்கு பெரிய அளவில் பரிச்சியம் இல்லாத காரணத்தாலும், இந்திய அணியின் மீது பெரிய அளவில் எதிர்ப்பார்ப்பு இல்லை. சில சமயங்களில் அதீத எதிர்ப்பார்ப்பு ஒருவரை சற்று இயல்புகளிலிருந்து மாற வைக்கக்கூடும், ஒரு விதத்தில் எதிர்ப்பார்ப்புகள் பொறுப்பாக தோன்றினாலும், சற்று தேவையில்லாத அழுத்தத்தை சார்ந்தவர்களுக்கு கொடுக்கலாம். ஏதோ நாம் தான் இந்த செயலுக்கு முழு பொறுப்பு என்று சில சமயங்களில் நாம் பணிய

Generations and Forms of Cricket

 Get a feeling that the 2K kids might consider life as a T20 game, as things for them appear in a click.  The 90s kids might consider it has an ODI game, kind of mild wait and sudden surges.  On the other hand, the people born before that especially in India might consider life as a test match.  In reality, though T20 and ODI may look attractive from the outside, the test cricket is what tests the physical and psychological capability of a cricketer. Similarly, life, in the long run, is like a test match, at times you to play out a few sessions out with grit, for many easy sessions shall come to us post that.  A request to readers, to leave feedback on this!


 Many a time we get a feeling that when we are truly attached to an entity, we consider that we are responsible towards the entity.  On the contrary, the mind and the thought process kicks in and builds all kinds of arguments both negative and positive comments on the entity, which truly questions our responsibility as we get the sense of possession, anxiety, fear, desire towards the entity.  When there is freedom from the mind and detachment, then one sees things clearly, leading to greater responsibility and ecstasy towards the entity.  Request the readers to drop their comments here on this. Thank You !

Giving ourselves to God

 When we need someone to lift us when we stuck somewhere, it is necessary that we don't clasp our hands ourselves, but to give both hands to the entity that saves us.  Similarly surrendering to God by giving us completely with hands up, to lift us from this limited process.


  Rather than thinking to take multiple steps in different directions without moving anywhere, it is better to take a single step in one direction in actuality. ஆயிரம் அடிகள் கனவில் எடுத்து வைப்பதை விட, ஒரு அடி நினைவில் வைப்பது மேல்

The mind and the moon

 Astrologically, the sun has been attributed as the influencer of Atman (Soul) and the moon has been attributed to as the influencer of the mind. And the mercury has been attributed to as the influencer of intellect. And naturally, the sun and the moon are also seen as father and mother respectively.  Naturally, the mind is something that is seen as which changes very quickly, hardly it is same in the morning and the evening when one is a product of one's own desires. Interestingly the astrological transit of planets to cross each of the 12 houses is as follows in increasing order.   Moon -> 2.5 days   Mercury -> 1 month (approx)   Venus -> 1 month (approx)   Sun -> 1 month (all Thamizh are based on the relative movement of Earth to the sun, eg. In the Thamizh month of 'Thai' sun is in Capricorn)  Mars -> 45 days (approx)  Jupiter -> 1 year (approx)  Rahu -> 1.5 years (approx) (moves to houses retrospectively)  Ketu -> 1.5 years (approx) (moves to ho

K's revelation in early 1980's on computers

 Yesterday happened to see a public talk from K which happened in Ojai, California 1984 giving the link here, the talk on this subject starts after 40 minutes into the talk. K's discussion on this starts after 40 minutes Wherein K says the computers are taking and our daily jobs (the 1980s) would be replaced by computers and robots. Not sure if everyone who was listening were taking it seriously. But certainly, it is revealing. Also, he provides insights that since most of these daily tasks, for example, calculator taking over in a shop for billing, the human brain becomes less and less active, and hence would be seeking different forms of entertainment, which has very become true day as people running on Friday evenings and weekends to get a breather from the routine in different forms.  And interestingly when we die to each moment and are reborn again in our psychological lives, which is the means of liberation. The same is applicable in the long run to our learnings to forget ol



Mind and the RAM

 The mind and the RAM in many ways are the same. When the mind has too many thoughts at the same time it drains, similarly, when too many applications are run at the same time the system also hangs.   The browsers use cache to optimise the results and search by storing part of the runtime information, similarly, there is a silent recording that goes on within us when we see a person or a thing, so that the next time when we see them or see it, there is some automatic responses from the brain involuntarily.  Is it therefore possible to clear the cache of our minds and brains just like we clear the cache and see the things and people around us freshly ?!

Noise reduction

  At times it is sufficient to reduce the revolving speed of a fan to hear the voices clearly than raising our voice or the television voice. Doesn't the same apply to our mind for thoughts and counter thoughts?

Watching from within

 The moment we sense someone is watching us from outside either an external person or a CCTV camera we tend to be aware and more disciplined, in the same way can we wake up the watcher within us and be watched from within always?!

A Recap

 Since we have been quoting J Krishnamurti frequently, just thought we will have a quick recap and summary of his theme. A few points could be a repetition from one of the previous blogs. If one is listening to K and interested in his talks can go into this article further. First of all, he never wanted him to be seen as a Guru and not to preach any methodology or ideology. He mentioned himself that he acts as a mirror in his talks and dialogues, for the people listening to it to look at themselves clearly. Most of his videos uploaded by the Krishnamurti Foundation serve this purpose, we must be grateful to them. Right from starting his talks in the 1920s till his last talk in 1986, he maintained that 'Truth is a pathless land'. His central theme in his talks and dialogues, as the writer sees it is the negation of 'I', the image that we have built about ourselves, our agenda, our ambitions, all the petty little things we have built about ourselves etc. He goes into the

Meaning of Life

One makes her/his presence felt wholly even after she/he leaves this world and changed the world forever even it is of one person or an living being or a thing, then that life is truly meaning full.

The misunderstood things

  K's insights on this matter If one is seriously interested to go into this taboo subjects and understand it's movement, K points it out very clearly in this dialogue of 1 hour. For some reason, in most of the commercials, most of them the movies, most of the digital/print media ads, love is shown originating from a shadow of sex and pleasure, clouding the real love. As we get rid of this superficial image brought about the external environment, only then one can see true love between a man and woman, man and man, woman and woman and between human and nature. K goes into the root of understanding this movement. It is not that the writer is away from all this, think only a truly enlightened person can be away from all this, but as a normal being just want to see the movement of this. And thought, this might be of value for many.

மாதா உடல் சலித்தாள்...

 மாதா உடல் சலித்தாள் வல்வினையேன் கால்சலித்தேன் வேதாவும் கைசலித்து விட்டானே - நாதா இருப்பையூர் வாழ்சிவனே இன்னுமோர் அன்னை கருப்பையிலே வாராமற் கா’ பொருளுரை: அன்னை என்னைப் பெற்று பெற்று உடல் சலித்தாள் ! இந்த பாபியும் பிறந்து பிறந்து, தேவையில்லாதது பின் ஓடி கால் சலித்துவிட்டான் ! இவனைப் படைத்த பிரம்மனும் இவன் தலையெழுத்தை எழுதி எழுதி கை சலித்துவிட்டான் ! நாதா இருப்பையூரில் வாழும் சிவனே, இந்த பாபி இன்னும் ஒரு அன்னையின் கருப்பையில் பிறவாமல் இருக்கக் காப்பாற்று !

அற்றைக்கு இரைதேடி...

  அற்றைக்கு இரைதேடி ,  அத்தத் ...... திலும் ஆசை      பற்றித் தவியாத ,  பற்றைப் ...... பெறுவேனோ ? வெற்றிக் கதிர்வேலா! வெற்பைத் ...... தொளைசீலா!      கற்று உற்று உணர்போதா! கச்சிப் ...... பெருமாளே.

Vinayagar Agaval - The description of Truth

 First of all, wish everyone a Happy Ganesh Chathurthi, may Lord Ganesha remove all obstacles and fulfil the dreams of all _/\_  In this article, we are going to look at the description of truth in a holy verse Vinayagar Agaval sung by a woman saint and poet Avayar and feel it is being sung during her salvation and the encounter with truth by the grace of Lord Ganesha.  The verse begins by describing the name and form of Lord Ganesha, and slowly moves us into requesting salvation of the soul at the beginning part. And as the song goes on, the author feels the poet had the visions of the truth expressed. Here we are going to take in some key some snippets in the song on the expression of truth by beginning with the background. Please note, the author is not a scholar or a proper translator, but one tries to interpret this beauty and put in some language that he knows. Apologies for any improper translation. Again pointing to J Krishnamurti, 'The description is not the described'

Randomness in life

 Some days back, we have written about the point that life is all about movement. In this article let us try to expand its footprints.   Whenever things go per plan we can get some assurance from our own beliefs, but when they don't it means the act of God has completely taken over. No one knows why do we originated, creation is something that is holy, no one knows how does a blade of grass originate out of a cement floor, how a flower blossoms where its fragrance arises. Of course, there can be scientific explanations to all these, they may find what is and how it is happening, but no explanation can find who is behind all this, they can't measure the creator. Borrowing words from J Krishnamurti, "The description is not the described".  Many a time in our life we come across some random instances after which we are never the same and it changes us forever and those events act as a base. For instance, we go to a new school on the first day of a semester the person who


 பிறர் இடத்தில் உள்ள குறைகளையே பார்ப்பவன் -> பாபி பிறர் இடத்தில் உள்ள நிறைகளையே பார்ப்பவன் -> புண்ணியவான் பிறரைப் பிறராகவே பார்க்காதவன் -> ஞானி இதில் வியப்பு இம்மூன்று குணங்களும் மாறி மாறி ஒருவருக்கே வந்து செல்வது மனித இயல்பு.


 Knowledge about wisdom is an illusion. These things may sound serious, but actually, when the mind is serious it is stiff, in that state it cannot comprehend what is behind all this movement, what drifts the leaves, what is drives our breath, our vision, our hearing, the movement of our hands, legs, what is behind the waves of the ocean, what is behind all the creations. What gives life to all beings. Life is free-flowing.  Life is movement, without movement there is no life. Understanding this movement and the movement of the mind implies greater attention.


 The word innonence means incapable of being hurt. An innocent mind is without any opinions, so it can never be hurt. But in real life we have twisted it's meaning.


 மகிழ்ச்சி உள்ள போது நிறைவு இல்லாமல் இருக்கலாம், ஆனால் நிறைவு நிலைக்கும் போது மகிழ்ச்சியும் நிலைத்து விடுகிறது ! நிறைவு வெளியில் இருந்து வருவது அல்ல, உள்ளிருந்து எழுவது.  

Punishment and Reward

 Punishment is driven by Fear and Reward is driven by hope. But both are two sides of the same coin -> thought, one pessimistic and the other optimistic. The outcomes born out of these two are still the same, one is an involuntary action and the other is a voluntary action. The authorities in any form, use these tools as a means to accomplish their activities.  But both are bounded and has limited space. When one is not bounded by these two then one is totally free and the actions of that person arises out of infinite energy. 


 To Rest In Peace (RIP), one must Live In Peace (LIP).  But Peace cannot be sought or bought, only when the searching for it ceases, it comes into being. Om Shanthi 🙏🏽

Teacher's day -> Tribute to Gurus

 On the occasion of Teacher's day, wishing my teachers in all forms a Happy Teacher's day ! Grateful for all the care !! Also just wanted share the actual meaning of the word Guru and a few different perspectives : Meaning : Weight, one who dispels illusion and darkness, one who points. Guru is the one who shows us our true being. Interestingly, Jupiter considered as the Guru or Brihaspati per vedic astrology is the largest planet in the solar system. Also all items that are largest comes us under the influence of Jupiter(Guru).  And the other Guru as per Vedic astrology, Venus -> Sukhracharya is the brightest planet in the solar system. Also the brighter ornamental elements, Gold and Diamond comes under the influence of Jupiter and Venus respectively. 

Magnanimity of Nature

 When we are disconnected from nature and we think about ourselves, the illusion of one's own image grows and grows.  When we are connected with nature, certainly we can feel the magnanimity of it, the breeze, the leaves etc. The vastness of nature makes us look tiny or even invisible.

Telling vs Being

 If we truly love someone we don't have to say it, we can just show it.   If we do good work we don't have to say it, the work would speak for itself.  If we are compassionate we don't have to tell that we are compassionate.  If we are honest we don't have to tell that we are honest.