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Showing posts from October, 2021

The untold bureaucrats

 As we commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Patel, commonly known as the Iron man of India for his massive efforts and direction in the Integration of India into a few states, from 565 princely states.  Thought would take this occasion to remember and pay tribute to some of the bureaucrats who had been instrumental in such missions for the nation's development. Of course, the credit needs to be given to the political leaders in identifying the right talent and giving them right positions and giving them free hand in carrying out their duty, we are remembering some of them which we got a chance read about somewhere.  Firstly, many people know through media that Sardar Patel was an integral part of the Integration of India. But behind there is an untold, civil service officer VP Menon who was appointed the Secretary to Government of India, identified by Patel Ji. VP Menon acted as an envoy of Patel on the ground in integrating the 565 princely states into the Government's

Minor and Major

 Think soon the government might need to reduce the major age to 12 or 15 from the current 18, given the evolution of the human brain, which is becoming evident in generation to generation.

Just like that

 We have covered the various aspects of the human mind and brain for some time now based on our inferences in daily life and also from K's talks and dialogues. We have written them in an intention not to impress the readers maybe except 1 or 2, all were driven by the universal truth. There is a common saying, write like no one is reading. Then only the writer is not corrupted.   The nature of the human mind and brain is in the movement of time, it is always seeking what is going to happen the next moment, the next month, the next year, and so on. As K has been explaining, thought is a product of time. We never have the mind to rest with thought, thought is needed in areas of learnings for technological or memory-related things. But in our day-to-day emotions, ideally thought has no place. Because thought is always of the past, so it can never be the present nor the future, it always projects the past onto the present and future and makes them the past as well in reality. At this po

Truth is a pathless land

 "Truth is narrowed down and made a plaything for those who are weak and those who are only momentarily discontented. Truth cannot be brought down, rather the individual should make effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountain top to the valley, if you would attain to the mountain top you must pass through the valley, climb the steep, unafraid of the dangerous precipices"  ~ J Krishnamurti 91 years on nothing has changed, nothing seems to change. Maybe these are one of the best-ever lines. The most important thing to mention here, he strongly condemned that no one should become a  follower of him and also not consider him as a Guru, he stated that once one becomes a follower of anything, one confirms a pattern and starts having likes and dislikes towards others. And he also stated that he doesn't impose any authority, for which he mentioned in an interview that imposing authority over another is the greatest sin.  Interestingly in 1929, and years in the build-up

Going into oneself

 Recently we posted some snaps from Krishna Ji's notebook published in the 1970s but which he just wrote has traveling diaries in 1961 and 1962. Of that, there was one more thing which struck me, not in the exact lines as here but the essence of what Krishna Ji mentioned. The brain is always putty, it always remains so, for it is 'The Me' is always important, and it always seeks for all types of security as through the evolution of mankind. The human brain may advance technologically very much, it can find ways to land on the moon, or find something 10000 feet beneath the Earth. Adding to this, it may find a living spot in Saturn's satellite Titan or it may construct an apartment in the mid sky after space in Earth is filled or it may construct offices and homes in the mid-sea or 10000 feet beneath the Earth. But it can never go and look within oneself for which needs life and tremendous vitality. Thank You!

The centre and circle

 All our problems stem from the circle with a limited radius drawn with the centre as "the Me". However big the radius may be, it will still be measurable and miserable as long as the centre with "the Me" is there. When there is no centre, then there are no limits and hence boundless ecstasy.

Pointers from Krishna Ji's Notebook


Recording of the brain

 The thoughts are transient, but still, the brain records all its responses. Even more intense it is when the words come out from the mouth, from the thoughts, the brain's recording of the events when we speak seems to be much stronger than it is recording thoughts alone.   To wipe away the recordings of the words takes more intense attention as compared to the attention on thoughts. ~Just an observation


 Many times when we hear noise and nuisance, we get irritated. But when we closely look at it, it is only our reaction to the noise or the nuisance that causes irritation. When we hold on to the action part, just hear the noise without reacting, the reaction slowly goes away and we are at peace.

Clinging On

 For the mind, it always wants something to cling on. People may say they are feeling lonely, but in reality, are we lonely? We are always accompanied by one thought or the other, however pity or glorious. A thought can never end another, we have referred to it previously, only constant watching does.   When the mind finds something attractive or attachable, it clings to it and shapes everything towards it. The clinging on entity may vary, but the most attached or urgent one is the dominant one, the moment it starts to cling on, the mind constructs the whole world around, giving total energy to it. When another entity comes in, an urgent task or a lovely scenery, the mind forgets for some time what it clung on to, and clings on to the newer one, making the previous exercise look not so important. For the mind, it thinks whatever it clings on at present is the whole world, after some time it doesn't look so, but this cycle repeats.   But when we watch this attentively without interf


 Wisdom comes to one when one shreds away many things, of the foremost one is one's ego or self-centeredness, not even a small shadow of the ego should intrude one for wisdom to flow.

Renting or Owning a house

 It is an interesting thought for whoever comes across equities newly. I would say there are different sides to this, in many ways we might approach it in an Indian way compared to a western way, because there the interest rates are nearly 0%, here 6.5%, and also depends on your the proportion of down payment. And secondly, choosing rent vs an own house depends on your job style, if it involves more traveling, then rent would be a good idea, if it is static, then an own house would be a good idea, as at the end we have to classify what is our want and what is our need. Because, paying rent alone you would end up with no property, provided we don't have a free stay, but you might accumulate a corpus from equities/bonds, in India, the real estate market rarely corrects since it is very much tied to the economy, and in the recent past the operating cost in real estate has shot up due to rise in cement and steel prices, unless alternatives are found, the prices might go up. But in the

Freedom and Responsibility

 Without responsibility, there is no freedom ~ J Krishnamurti Many people think, freedom means one can do anything, that is certainly not freedom, but escape.    K on freedom and responsibility  In reality, freedom and responsibility go hand in hand, as only when we are responsible we give ourselves to something totally without any expectation, which is the same as in freedom.


 நல்லது செய்கிறோம் என்ற நினைப்பில்லாமல் செய்வது தான் தர்மம், இல்லையேல் அது வியாபாரம்

Hurt and Praise

 In our daily lives, when somebody hurts us or praise us, we get a negative and positive response respectively, but they are still two sides of the same coin, which is 'the me' or 'an image about me'. Essentially both are reaction to an action, if we observe closely.

Love and Life

 Love and life both are four words that start with L and end with E, without love there is no life and without life there is no love. Not the love as it is portrayed in movies, ads which is superficial, but love which is born out of compassion, love for each being

Concrete and Tender

 No plant can be cultivated on a concrete ground, only in a tender soil saplings grow well. Similarly in a rigid heart, love and compassion can never be cultivated in a rigid heart, only in a tender heart it can be completed.



Love and compassion

 A short but crisp factual representation from K on love and compassion

கவியரசர் நினைவு நாள் நினைவலைகள்

 கவியரசு கண்ணதாசன் இவர் பெயரைக் கேட்டாலே ஒரு ஆறுதலும் ஆனந்தமும் பற்றிக்கொள்கிறது. தமிழ் உள்ளவரையில் இவர் பெயரும் எழுத்தும் நிலைத்து இருக்கும். அளவில்லா பொக்கிஷங்களை பாமரர்களுக்கும் புரியும் வகையில் அள்ளி வீசி விட்டு சென்று இருக்கிறார். ஒரு வகையில் அவர் இலக்கிய உலகத்தில் மட்டும் கோளோச்சியிருந்தால் தமிழ் அறிஞர்களுக்கு மட்டும் பாத்திரமாக இருந்திருப்பார், ஆனால் இறைவனின் விருப்பம் அவரை திரையுலகிற்கு கொண்டு வந்துவிட்டது.  தமிழ் பேசப்படும் வரை கவிஞரின் வைர வரிகள் நிலைத்து இருக்க வேண்டும் என்பது இறைவனின் விருப்பம் போலும்.   அதேபோல் தான் அரசியிலும் அவர் பயணம் முழுமை பெறாமலே போனது, இல்லையென்றால் அங்கும் ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட வட்டதிற்குள் அவர் இருந்து இருப்பார். இதை அவர் விரவாக அவர் சுயசரிதையில் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கிறார். சுவாரியமாக, 1957இல் நடைப்பெற்ற சட்டமன்ற தேர்தலில் திராவிட முன்னேற்றக் கழகத்தின் சார்பில் அன்றைய இராம்நாட் மாவட்டம், இன்றைய சிவகங்கை மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள திருப்பத்தூர் தொகுதியில் நிறுத்தப்பட்டார், ஆனால் காங்கிரசின் வலிமையான பகுதியாக அது இருந்ததால் அங்கு அவருக்கு மூன்றாம் இடமே கிடைத்தது. அதே

நிலவும் மனமும்

 நிலவு அல்லது சந்திரன், வெகு  நிச்சயமாக அனைத்து குழந்தைகளுக்கும் பிடித்த ஒன்று. சந்திரன் விஞ்ஞான ரீதியாக ஒரு தனிப்பட்ட கிரகம் இல்லை, பூமியின் இயற்கை செயற்கைக்கோள். ஜோதிட ரீதியாகப் பார்த்தால் மனம், அன்னை, கருணை போன்றவை சந்திரனின் காரகத்துவங்கள். குளுமையும் கருணையும் தாய்மையும் ஒன்றோடு ஒன்று பின்னி பிணைந்ததது, எவ்வளவு பொருத்தமாக நம் முன்னோர்கள், ரிஷிகள் மிகவும் குளுமைப் பொருந்திய சந்திரனை தாய்க்கு காரகனாக வைத்து உள்ளார்கள். இதனால் தான் என்னவோ குழந்தைகள் நிலவை காண்பித்தால் அமைதியாகி விடுகிறார்களோ என்னவோ?!  மிக முக்கியமாக சந்திரனின் மற்றோரு காரகத்துவம் மனம். மனமே நம்மையும், நம் புலன்களையும் இயக்குகிறது. மேலும் புராணங்களில் சந்திரனின் பிள்ளையாக புத்தி காரகனாகிய புதன் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளார். முழுமையான கதையை இங்கு குறிப்பிடுவது பொருத்தமாக இருக்காது, வாசகர்கள் ஸ்ரீமத் பாகவத புராணத்தில் இக்கதையைப் பற்றி காணலாம். இங்கே புத்தியைக் குறிப்பிட வேண்டிய அவசியம் என்னவென்றால், சந்திரனுக்கு தன் பிள்ளையாகிய புதனைப் பிடிக்கும், ஆனால் புதனுக்கு சந்திரனைப் பிடிக்காது, அதாவது மனதிற்கு புத்தியைப் பிடிக்கும், ஆ

Reaction and Thought

 The reaction is born out of action, but action is not born out of reaction. All the reactions are a product of thought, so essentially thought is never an action, but only a reaction. If we look at this closely, thought is never really of the present moment it is always a reaction born out of the past, every single thought, the most glorious to the pettiest one, is essentially a stored reaction to an action that we see. One reaction gives way to another reaction and this swirling of thoughts go on, through the dissection of the previous thought by the current thought and this goes on as long as we try to dissect each thought and try to put an end to it, which never seems possible.  The interesting point from the action to this reaction formation happens in micro or nanoseconds each, but if we can increase the interval from the time we see a thing and our reaction to it through thought, by observing the reaction forming and dissecting the mechanism of the thought without interfering in


  மழை இலைகள், பூமி மீது படிந்திருக்கின்ற மாசை நீக்கி, அவற்றை சுத்தம் செய்கிறது

World Mental Health Day

It is actually peace from the mind and not peace of mind. Extending the prayers and wishes to everyone for a happy and joyous life forever on this occasion of World Mental health day held on October 10. Whenever we hear something like this, the first thing that comes to our mind is that to have good mental health, cannot be done through any other means but by protecting oneself from one's mind. Usually, we don't fantasize about the different days held for different occasions, as we have 365 days (366 once in 4 years) to live why constrain and accumulate it to only a day in a year for each thing in fragments. Traditionally, the festivals are a way of showing gratefulness and thanksgiving for the entities that supported us through the year. But noticing a trend that more and more days are being introduced merely for commercial purpose, anyways without dwelling into this further let us look about the mental health in detail. I'm not sure if I am a perfectionist or an expert to


 Meanwhile wondering how the news about pegasus has vaporized. Interestingly, no one talks about recommendations that come on various platforms based on what we speak or what we post. This is digital karma 😂. We have built this so-called civilization on doubt and suspicion between people and eventually between nations. For which each nation has built extraordinary surveillance capabilities, almost all the countries spend the most of their GDP on security, in India, it is about 20% of the GDP(currently 20% of 3 trillion dollars) annually, while we spend on early single digits on healthcare and education which is 1.8% and 3.5% respectively. If we can reverse the spending between military and healthcare, education, we can almost provide the highest quality of education and healthcare for free. But this is possible only when all nations around the world agree and do the disarmament at the same moment only then this is possible. Else if one nation agrees and others don't, it puts its s

Life in a bridge

 For some reason, most of us think that the life we are living on Earth is permanent and hence we are intended to accumulate more and more. Essentially we are seeking permanency from impermanence.  In actuality, we are living in a bridge that is a crossover for something vast and never-ending, all religions have insisted on that phenomenon through the phase of immorality. At least once in a while, we would have experienced certain indications from the everlasting truth, when we completely surrendered or completely given up psychological attachments even for a minute or sometime. But to understand it we can't comprehend with the boundaries drawn by the mind, when even a single thought ceases to exist and the mind is completely quiet it has the key to the vastness. For this religions have portrayed many ways, devotion (Bhakthi Yoga), surrender, Nama Japa, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, in different names by different religions but all point to the same thing, the dissolution of the mind, li

Commentaries on Living

 Completed reading the three-book series of Commentaries on Living, which was targeted to be completed in December 2020, but it was allowed to be completed recently after a bit of focus on this series after June, throughout this time frame we went through a lot of dialogues and talks from Krishna Ji in the YouTube channel.   This 3 book series of commentaries on living was written in the 1950s, based on Krishna Ji's dialogues with people from various walks of life, the politician, the spiritual seeker(which are the most part), the actor, and many other streams.  Here we try to provide a glimpse of what it covers.  When one is not able to understand oneself, there is no point in trying to understand others.  All our problems stem from our reactions to actions, we never quite look into the action deeply, since our responses are conditioned and it is so rapid.  For instance, when we are watching an IPL match when we are inclined to support CSK, we never quite see the match as is, but

Gandhi Jayanthi

 Extending our thoughts from the article on Nationalism book by Ravindranath Tagore from a previous article which happened by coincidence, on this occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi, when we try to replay his messages from our today's understanding of the world would be utterly misleading. As today we are merely a product of this materialistic civilization without looking at an integrated life. Mahatma Gandhi principles were laid based on an integrated human being and a simple life with the least possessions derived from the wisdom of the ancient tradition. Merely quoting and not leading a life on those principles doesn't make any sense. If one may see it, this materialistic fire seems going nowhere would rage at least till the lifetime of 90's kids, unless we commit ourselves totally to our lives.   If one may see it clearly, the essential message of the 5000-year-old ancient tradition of India or for the matter of fact all messengers of the world is without any division,   "

Nationalism by Rabindranath Tagore ~ Initial thoughts on it

 Some times random circumstances can reveal treasures, in one such way  ordered this book through Amazon to cover up the delivery charge as the order was standing at ₹472, and this book costed ₹99, thought for an additional ₹40 we can buy a book instead of merely paying ₹50 for delivery charge.  But as I have started reading, get a feeling it is an absolute treasure. It was published originally in 1917, I am 4 or 5 pages into the book currently. Already his thoughts on the heritage of India as we have heard of, not in the material sense but the purpose of man in man's spiritual journey. And in these 4 pages he is beautifully covering the prospects of western culture sweeping the traditional India, not as we see now the rituals alone, but brought about by Upanishadic wisdom where the true meaning is in giving ourselves to God and finding the source of our origin.  Today we may say that we are a great nation with a precious tradition, but we are currently is that we are a product of

நாளைய கேள்வி

எப்பொழுதெல்லாம் நாளைய பொழுதைப் பற்றி நமக்கு கவலை ஏற்படுமாயின், கவியரசரின் இவ் வைரவரிகள் நம்மை ஊடுவுருவி பார்க்க செய்யும். "ஆரம்பத்தில் பிறப்பும் உன் கையில் இல்லை, அடுத்தடுத்த நடப்பும் உன் கையில் இல்லை.  பாதை வகுத்த பின்பு பயந்தென்ன லாபம் அதில் பயணம் நடத்திவிடு மறைந்திடும் பாவம்"

இயக்கும் சக்தி

 அசைபவனவற்றை (உடல்) நோக்குவதற்கு உள்ள ஆர்வம், அந்த அசைவை இயக்குபவரை (உயிர்) உணர்வதற்கு நமக்கு ஆர்வம் உள்ளதா?