Off late if one had followed the posts of this guy, one might have come across some posts referring to Jiddu Krishnamurti. And other posts reflecting the nature of ourselves and some marvellous tools of the universe. By this, we are not trying to do any propaganda or impose any beliefs or to comment about any particular ideology, but to be a mirror for oneself to see oneself clearly in daily lives. That was the very essence of Krishnamurti's message, though he didn't want to be quoted or seen as any Guru as mentioned by himself in some of his speeches, "K has no propaganda or any spiritual authority, but in all these talks and dialogues, K acts as a mirror for people to see themselves, once they can see themselves clearly, one can throw away this mirror". The motive of the foundation as the writer sees it, is to conduct the schools run by the foundation around the world and to maintain his talks and dialogues in digital form, which acts as a mirror for many including ...