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Showing posts from August, 2021

An article without a Title

Off late if one had followed the posts of this guy, one might have come across some posts referring to Jiddu Krishnamurti. And other posts reflecting the nature of ourselves and some marvellous tools of the universe. By this, we are not trying to do any propaganda or impose any beliefs or to comment about any particular ideology, but to be a mirror for oneself to see oneself clearly in daily lives. That was the very essence of Krishnamurti's message, though he didn't want to be quoted or seen as any Guru as mentioned by himself in some of his speeches, "K has no propaganda or any spiritual authority, but in all these talks and dialogues, K acts as a mirror for people to see themselves, once they can see themselves clearly, one can throw away this mirror". The motive of the foundation as the writer sees it, is to conduct the schools run by the foundation around the world and to maintain his talks and dialogues in digital form, which acts as a mirror for many including


 வீட்டில் ஒரு முகமூடி ! பணிபுரியும் இடத்தில் ஒரு முகமூடி ! உள்ளுக்குள் பல முகமூடிகள் ! உண்மையில் இந்த முகமூடிகள் தங்களை பிறரிடமிருந்து மறைக்கவா ? அல்லது இந்த முகமூடிகள் தங்களிடமிருந்தே தங்களை மறைத்துக்கொள்கிறதா ?! கவியரசரின் வரிகளில், "மனம் என்னும் தெருகூத்து பகல் வேசம்"

Stillness of the mind

When we think about many things at once irrelevant or relevant, to post something externally, the mind kicks in the extensive chattering, in that nothing is clear.   10 to 15 years back, fine-tuning a radio to find an FM channel, when we tune very fast we don't find the channel, only when we fine-tune it very slowly we will arrive at the FM channel. And minimum possible fine-tuning at the end to arrive at the most clarity. It is the same with the mind, the only difference is when the mind knows the fine-tuning takes place by the effort it increases its chatter. Here only observation without resistance or acceptance, one may arrive at this. It is easier said than done. Isn't it?

சத்தியம் அதுவே நித்தியம்

 நிலையற்றதில் மனம் நிலைப்பெற முயலும் போது மனம் சஞ்சலம் கொள்கிறது, உண்மையில் மனதை நிலைப்பெற செய்ய முடியுமா ? மனம் காலத்தால் கட்டுப்பட்டு இருக்கும் வரை நகர்தலிலேயே உள்ளது.  உதாரணமாக, ஒரு உணவகத்திற்கு செல்கிறோம், நாம் மசால் தோசை வாங்குகிறோம் ஆனால் எதிரிலிருப்பவர் இட்லி வாங்கினால் அதுவே உயர்ந்ததாக காட்சி தருகின்றது. அதே போல் துணி கடையில் இரண்டு மணி நேரம் பார்த்து எந்த துணி எடுத்தாலும் கடையில் இருந்து வெளியே வரும் போது இந்த துணியை எடுக்காமல் விட்டுவிட்டோமே என்று மனம் ஏங்குகிறது.   மனதை நிலைப்பெற செய்வதற்காகவே பல்வேறு யோகங்கள் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.  யோகம் என்ற சொல்லுக்கு இரண்டற கலப்பது என்ற பொருள் உள்ளது. கர்ம யோகம் -> கர்மத்தோடு அதாவது செய்யும் செயலோடு இரண்டற கலப்பது, பக்தி யோகம் -> பக்தியோடு இரண்டற கலப்பது, தியான யோகம் -> தியானத்தோடு இரண்டற கலப்பது, ஞான யோகம் -> இவ்வனைத்து யோகங்களில் இறுதி நிலையே ஞான யோகமாக உள்ளது.  இதையே ஜிட்டு கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி, "The observer is the observed" -> "உற்று நோக்குபவனே உற்று நோக்கப்படுகிறான்", என்று குறிப்பிடவதாக உணர்கிறேன்.  இ

Patience - An astrological view

 One feels that under the benign influence of Saturn, with Lagna or Rasi influenced by Saturn positively, like Saturn in conjunction with Jupiter or Venus or a specter by either of them, the native ideally should be a patient and steady woman or man. Especially the sign of Aquarius indicates virtue of patience if positively influenced. These are no conclusions, just an hypothesis. May be we can test this and find out in real life from the people we meet.

Economy and Finance

 At times economy and finance are seen as the same entity. But feel, Finance is a more technical and measurable entity that is tangible like with clear definitions and accountability for cash flows, liquidity, balance sheet etc.  But whereas the economy is more of a psychology-related phenomenon driven by sentiment though it was given some form of statistics and analytics in the 20th century to bring about measurement on it like the GDP, inflation and other micros etc. Still, the behavioural branch of economics which seems to be relevant clearly portrays it as an intangible movement driven by some external factors like the macros etc. Certain indicators from the economy models can be used as a trigger to nudge some moves, but the results need not be accurate as in the case of financial forecasts and measurements.  In conclusion, it is the movement of an intangible economy that determines the financial results.


 விஞ்ஞானத்தையும் மெய்ஞானத்தையும் இணைக்கும் பாலம் ஜோதிடம்   ஜோதிடர்களை வைத்து ஜோதிடத்தை அளக்க நினைப்பது சரியான அளவுகோலாக இருக்காது உண்மையில் அளவில்லாததை எந்த அளவுகோலாலும் அளக்க முடியாது

மனித மனம்

 மனித மனம் சற்று விசித்திரமானது, தன் தட்டில் அறுசுவை உணவு இருந்தாலும், அடுத்தவர் தட்டில் இருப்பது பெரியது போல் காட்சியளிக்கும். 


 Joy is everyone's nature, when we give timelines, we complicate it. Joy is eternally present like the sky, but it is just that the doubts and fears cover it like the clouds temporally. The clouds could wane away once there is awareness. 

Possession and Personality

   When a woman or a man marries, does she/he marry the person or the possessions that accompany her/him? Though it may sound a bit direct, this is directly proportional to the depth of the relationship.     In reality, certain minimum possessions are necessary outwardly to lead a life. If one may look into this deeply, it can be clear that beyond the outward superficiality, it is the personality connect from within that enriches the relationship.

Reality shows on television

 Does the reality shows on television represent reality? Or they are merely illusionary and trying to impose their superficiality on society without understanding the depth of things? This may be a scenario of a perfect anchoring effect. If one goes into deeply, the answers could come.

Actor and Action

 The psychological distance between the actor and action or the thinker and the thought is inversely proportional to the conservation of energy. When we do something that we love, we are nearly one with that action, there is no two then, in that fusion there is no actor, but only the action.   For instance, if we can imagine the food and the taste of the food exists separately, how would it be ?! The beauty lies in the integration of the food and taste as one.  Human beings taste the food in that very instance, when the food comes is at fusion with the sensory perceptions of the tongue, be it sour or sweet etc.  அரிசி தனித்தனி பருக்கைகளாக இருந்தாலும் மாவாக அரைப்பட்டப் பின் ஒன்றாகிறது !

Responsibility and Possession

 Being responsible is one thing and being possessive or possessed is the opposite of being responsible. Responsibility implies utmost care and it is constructive, possession implies conformity therefore it is destructive. If we are possessive, we impose our opinion on the things and people we see, but whereas if we are responsible we seek to understand.

GDP and GDP per capita

GDP has become a common notion in understanding a country's economic growth. Also, there are certain measuring factions within GDP itself, nominal (constant prices, not adjusted for inflation) and real (current prices, adjusted for inflation). Does GDP in the actual representation of the economic prosperity of the citizens? We will try to look at this with one more level of measure.  GDP per capita, which is calculated by dividing the GDP by the population, might indicate the economic prosperity of the citizens but still not accurate. Let us see an illustration for certain countries, considering the GDP, population and GDP per capita adjusted for international prices in real terms to provide a level playing field given the different living conditions and prices in different countries. Let us see this example for the countries USA, France, China, Japan and India are as follows in USD.   Country  GDP (PPP) (in million)  Population (in Cr) GDP per capita (PPP) USA               20,93

Pathology and Genomics of the Mind

     To develop a vaccine or to understand about the microorganism, the pathologists take one sample of millions and do a genome sequencing and create a vaccine based on it's DNA/RNA or as a whole inactivated copy of the single microorganism.     Similarly, we can understand the process of mind, when we decode and examine just one thought completely out of the 1000's thoughts that we get each day.

Totality of life

 If one is lucky, one might go into these dialogues which are radically transforming. 18 episodes with 1 hour each.  J. Krishnamurti – San Diego 1974 – Conversations with Allan W. Anderson – A wholly different way of living:

Cleverness of Thought

Bad and good are two sides of the same coin, which is thought. The mind sees one thing, thought initially might create an initial impression on the thing be it bad or good, after certain moments thought presents a counter agreement of the created impression. So both the impressions are of the thought. When we see this closely ourselves we get to understand about the cleverness of the arguments by thought.   For example, we might see a house for buying,  initially thought could give a good impression about the design and location, after some moments thought again presents an argument about the flaws of the location and design. So both are product of the thought.  Everyone's thought is the best advocate !! While watch this closely it gets clear.   

High Flame and Low Flame

 In cooking, when the stove is kept at high flame the item is cooked faster but not evenly,  whereas when the stove is kept at slow flame, the cooking takes time but the item is cooked evenly.  Similarly, when our mind thinks fast and does multitasking it can do multiple things at once but when it is steady and clear only does it thinks holistically and the thing is completed properly.

Karma in life and Digital Karma

 In life, we accumulate karma in our daily lives when we act with attachment to thought. At certain point we realize this and try to dissolve the karmas accumulated, to be free.   In digital life, at the beginning of our implementations we opt for extensive coding, after a certain point we want to go back to low code implementations to fulfill platform needs.

Running Race

 The sprinters prepare rigorously for the games as a target. But we are everyday sprinters but most times we just run because someone besides is running, even without knowing goal post we are running. But as soon as we become completely aware of running, we understand the process behind this.

Chidambaram and the Element of Space

 As we know as per the Indian tradition, there are 5 essential elements of nature, air, water, fire, land and space which are connected with our  senses through sensory perceptions between them.  Of these 5 elements, Space neither can be seen nor felt directly through sensory perception like the other 4 elements. According to Shaivic tradition, the 5 elements of nature have been attributed to 5 locations in India, namely Air <-> Srikalahasthi, Water <-> Thiruvaanaikaaval, Fire <-> Thiruvannamalai, Land <-> Kanchipuram, Space <-> Chidambaram.  To understand space in our daily lives, the writer is taking references from Jiddu Krishnamurti's talks and dialogues. Essentially there are two types of space, physical space and psychological space. Physical space is very easy to comprehend, which we need not dwell on. Whereas to understand the psychological space, one has to understand the mind. When the mind is occupied with any thought be it work, family, asp

The state of finances and economy - A layman's view

      Often economical and financial factors and reforms take time to show results,  we have seen it through India's economical change initiated in 1991, which showed results mostly from 2002 to 2008,  as constantly it was backed up with solid actions,  though there was average economic growth of 7 or 7.5% till 2018, it was significantly due to the trade liberalisation policies, license raj dismantling, economic modernisation of 1991, dream budget of 1997 paving for the surge of IT development and massive urban and local infrastructure boost between 1999 to 2003 like the initiation of Golden  Quadrilateral  connecting Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai and some consistent minor reforms this consistent growth was possible. In between, we had some good welfare schemes as well such as the expansion of the midday meal scheme in 1995, MGNREGA  in 2005 etc. We are not going to go into the details of those in this article, we are just indicating the trend.                               

அழகிய வாழ்க்கை

 ஒரு முதியவரின் பக்குவமும், ஒரு குழந்தையின் மனமும், நமக்கு ஒருங்கே இருக்கின்ற போது, வாழ்க்கை அழகாகிறது !

Trappings of Thought - Part 2

 In daily lives, let us try to understand how mind and thought plays it's trick.  Example 1: We go to a restaurant and order a masala dosa and at the same time someone sitting near to us orders an idly, then mind would think, oh why didn't we order the idly ?!  Example 2: We go to a textile shop, we buy a cloth after shopping for an hour atleast, and when we bill it in the counter, if we come to see another cloth, the next moment thought says, ah, why didn't purchase the other one or why didn't the salesman show this to us earlier ?! It is always an interesting story with the mind, how it creates stories that don't exist. Because for the thoughts to exist, there must be movement in the mind. And movement is the essence of life, each moment we breath.  When we try to see this movement of mind and get to understand it, things become clearer automatically.

Psychological Security

In the previous post, we saw about the trappings of thought on it's projection of past into the future, making the future also an instance of the past. Why is this so ?! The mind is tuned to seek psychological refuge always, it wants to remain secure by staying in it's known territories and seek approval for what it wants to be and not what is. If it stays absolutely in the present without even a mildest impression of the psychological past, it may have to lose the identity of an image about oneself that the mind has projected to be and hence it has to move away from the known to know the unknown.   But ideally in real time all this happens in a fraction of second, and this cycle repeats atleast 16*60*60 times a day. 

Stars in the Sky

 The stars ✨ are existing in the sky during the day as well as the nights. But in day time due to the brightness we are not able to see with our naked eye, except the Sun 🌞. In the night we are able when the clouds aren't hiding the stars.  In the same way, truth exists forever, but we get to see it when the outwardness and thoughts are dissolved.

Six Faces

      There is a popular representation in worship of Lord Muruga as a six faced Lord. Here we will try to interpret the rationale behind the six faces. It is an article written out of observation and lovable imagination. It is not to impose any beliefs or facts on any one. And also not to be substituted with one's own superstitions and beliefs either,     Right then, let us try to explore about the six faces of God Muruga, from nature's view, Generally, the 5 senses of human and even other living beings is given as sight, hearing, smell , touch and taste. And the sixth sense specific to human beings is interpreted as mind.    The six faces can be interpreted with the six senses. And of which the sixth sense the mind, the most important sense which drives other 5 senses, can be seen as the sixth face, which can be seen only when a mirror is placed.     Worshipping the six faces of God Muruga, indicates us that we are seeking help him to beyond the six senses to understand truth

Yoga - Fusion

  The meaning of  the word Yoga or Yogam translates to "Fusion". In this article, let us try to explore the Yoga (fusion) in two daily related examples in our life, chemical compounds that exist and Yoga (Fusion) from an astrological perspective.     As per the periodic table of chemical elements, there are 118 individual elements identified in chemistry with varying classification based on their texture (nonmetal, metal etc.), when each element exists individually, they have different properties, but when they join (Yoga - Fusion) with other elements, they have different properties based on the fusion and proportion.  For example, when hydrogen and chloride join, it becomes an acidic property in Hydro Chloric acid (HCl), and when the same 2 molecules of hydrogen join with one molecule of oxygen it becomes water (H20). And similarly, when the same chloride merges with sodium, it becomes sodium chloride (NaCl), the salt used in our daily foods. And today, everybody speaks of r


   Empathy is an attribute or trait, which is the key to understanding our relationship with others clearly be it in any form. Only when we are able to see things and people as they are and not as we are, we would be able to understand and connect deeply.  To illustrate this trait, we are going to extend the LinkedIn article that was written 4 years back on the success of Kedhar Jadhav as a bowler in limited-overs cricket.  What made Kedar a successful bowler and how do we relate that in our own professional and personal lives.  Kedar's wicket-taking abilities could be attributed to his unique bowling style and action. But mainly what impressed me was the ability with which he was able to able empathize with the batsman batting. He puts himself into the position of the batsman and thinks what he would do next ball if he was batting out there. And from that perspective when he was bowling he got the desired results for his captain through his bowling spells.


  When particular things or a room in a house isn't used completely. Those things are surrounded by dust. To make the things and room clear we are removing those dust.   And for the things that we use daily, the dust accumulates, but we try to clean it once in a while and make it look clean.  Awareness also works similarly. If we are not aware of our actions, sensations and thoughts and let them go as they are, we allow accumulating more and more dust in our mind. But as and when we are completely aware of our actions, sensations, thoughts, it doesn't allow any dust to accumulate in our mind, which makes the mind to see things as they are clearly.


 Unknowingly or knowingly we have drawn an image about ourselves psychologically. All our desires, cravings, thoughts and actions are centred around this image, which is a limited entity.   When someone makes comments about us either negative or positive, the way we react to it or our expectations from others to become in such a way that we expect is driven by this image.     If we don't have the image about ourselves or  if we dissolve this image, what we would be ?!

Lewis Hamilton's Secret of Success to multiple F1 Championships

    In this article, we are going to see Lewis Hamilton's secret of success in accomplishing 7 Formula 1 world championships. Though, Formula 1 is a complex sport that takes into account the driver's skill, the team's strength and funds, luck. There have been many skilled drivers, but to win championships consistently, it takes a special skill. He has consistently won the crucial moments. Let us try to examine his prolonged championship success from the view of how he managed to get  'Good results on bad days, and great results on good days ' .   Lewis Hamilton currently holds the highest number of Formula 1 (F1) world championships alongside Michael Schumacher with a tally of 7, by winning the championships in 2008, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. And he is still very much in the fray for one more in this season. Those following the sport closely, might know that he switched to Mercedes from Mclaren in 2013 and ever since the turbo-hybrid engine era started in

Jiddu Krishnamurti's Message

 As K himself pointed in one of his talks, that he has no message or teaching. He acts as a mirror🪞 to see oneself, all his life he did this. He maintained that, "Truth is a pathless land". Simply, "Look at yourself totally, without any judgement"

Mountains and Rivers

 The mountains are static and are here to stay, while the rivers are dynamic and find a path for themselves. Our lives are dynamic with each moment renewing itself, but are we not carrying a static past with us through our thoughts ?!