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Yoga - Fusion

  The meaning of  the word Yoga or Yogam translates to "Fusion". In this article, let us try to explore the Yoga (fusion) in two daily related examples in our life, chemical compounds that exist and Yoga (Fusion) from an astrological perspective.

    As per the periodic table of chemical elements, there are 118 individual elements identified in chemistry with varying classification based on their texture (nonmetal, metal etc.), when each element exists individually, they have different properties, but when they join (Yoga - Fusion) with other elements, they have different properties based on the fusion and proportion.

 For example, when hydrogen and chloride join, it becomes an acidic property in Hydro Chloric acid (HCl), and when the same 2 molecules of hydrogen join with one molecule of oxygen it becomes water (H20). And similarly, when the same chloride merges with sodium, it becomes sodium chloride (NaCl), the salt used in our daily foods. And today, everybody speaks of renewable energy, but the wonder of nature, how it renews itself each moment, for example the plants inhale carbon dioxide from what other living beings exhale and give out oxygen and purify the air each moment during the day.

   Now, when it comes to astrology, the fusion can be explained in a similar way. When planets are place individually in a house, they exhibit different individual properties. And when they are in a Yoga (fusion) with another planet in the same house or being aspected by another planet (fusion through aspect), the results are different. Also it depends on the extent of fusion (degrees in case of direct fusion and aspect strength in case of aspect fusion). But in astrology there are more subtle factors,  such as the planetary strength, house in which the planet is placed, nakshatra on which the planet is placed within the house, and numerical position from ascendant and moon sign in which the planet is placed, also influences the outcomes of fusion.

    There are variations in outcome based on the placement even when placed individually. For example, if Jupiter placed in cancer has highest strength, since it is an exalted sign for him, when placed in capricorn he has lesser strength which is a debilitating sign for him (but there are certain exceptions like if there are swappings between saturn and jupiter or fusion with saturn or mars in capricorn or if saturn is exalted, etc.). In a way the placement of the planet in an house is also subtly a fusion.

    Let us see an example for Mercury, with fusions of different types parallelly, direct fusion and aspect fusion. Consider for Gemini lagna (ascendant) , Lagna lord (ascendant lord) Mercury is placed in 3rd house, which is Leo (house owned by Sun). Here, sun is a friend of mercury but not vice versa. So mercury is placed in a friendly house. And within the Leo house, mercury is placed on Pooram nakshatra, the nakshatra lord is Venus. And if the ascendant is born in the month of Aavani per Thamizh calendar, then there is a direct fusion between Mercury and Sun, which is given the name "Buddha-Aaditya Yoga". The strength of the fusion depends on the proximity (degree) between the two planets. Now say if Jupiter is placed at 9th house from the ascendant, then Jupiter aspects Sun and Mercury directly with his 7th aspect. (Please note: Jupiter has 5,7,9 aspects from the house he is placed). In our case, there is a mutual aspect between sun and mercury placed at Leo with Jupiter placed at Aquarius. (Please note : Sun and mercury aspect the 7th house alone from where they are placed). 

    When Jupiter aspects the sun, it is called "Sivaraja Yoga", and when there is a mutual aslect between them, as is the scenario here, this yoga is strengthened. This fusion happens through aspect but not direct fusion by proximity. In this scenario, the native is having two yogas (fusions), Buddha-Aaditya Yoga (known for intellect) and Sivaraja Yoga (known for power, position and fame). And for example, if provided both Mercury and Sun are seated in Pooram nakshatra, and the nakshatra lord Venus who drives both these planets is placed at 5th house from the ascendant at Libra, which is a stronger sign for Venus, then this yoga would be strengthened further. 

    Here our intention is not taking any accurate predictions, but trying to provide on how really a Yoga (fusion) works. 



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