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Showing posts from July, 2021


 We tend to think and speak about others, only when there is an emptiness in us. When we understand the wholeness, our mind ends gossip.

Time from Thamizh Words

 How beautifully the Thamizh verbalisation of time is ?! இறந்த காலம் -> The past is always dead  நிகழ் காலம் -> The present, may be the 🎁 is better portrayed in English.  எதிர் காலம் -> The future, is a shadow of the present

Things this guy realized - Part 13

Seek from within One who tries to become a master of the master becomes a slave forever The mind is conditioned to see the past and future as a craving, forgetting the present's blessings The icing on the cake requires a strongly baked base, but people want to have the icing without a base  The nation's sustained emergence and growth is complete only when it has invested in technology & innovation and being able to provide quality education and healthcare to all citizens When there is no interest there are no chances for conflict of interest Time is the best instrument to judge your deeds Peace is found when the mind, the body and actions are in harmony We wake up to our hopes, not despair People don't change but their perceptions do Expectation kills reality An effective routine makes it a productive day What we perceive as our image is just like our shadow which varies at different parts of the day, sometimes it is bigger than the original version sometimes smaller an

Things this guy realized - Part 12

Self-realisation is the actual realisation  A skilled swimmer is equipped to overcome demons of a deep-sea Numbers is the only language that people understand across the globe What feels real is imaginary, what feels imaginary is real Success is measured by the lives that we transformed Your actual success is measured only after your death A shallow fry gets done quickly, but a deep-fry needs time to be cooked Glass would have been of the same value as gold if sand was not in abundance There are no same two events in this world, our conceptions condition to see them as the same Lock your mind from every situation, if you want peace Often style is confused with luxury The greatest things in the world are always intangible Ignorance is sometimes confused with innocence The best advice is in listening to yourself Thinking about a suffering aggravates it than the suffering in itself Your eyes see what your mind has already written Where there are no desires, there is no evil There is no ri

இவன் உணர்ந்த உண்மைகள் ~ பகுதி 3

வாழ்க்கை ஒரு சுமையல்ல சுமப்பதற்கு , இது ஒரு வரம் வாழ்வதற்கு மாவு ஒன்று தான் பணியாரம் பல பிள்ளைக்கு தந்தை ஒருவன் நம் எல்லோருக்கும் தந்தை இறைவன் தமிழ் இலக்கியம் படித்தவன் தளர்வுறுவதில்லை மின்சாரம் பாய்கின்றது என்பதைத் தொட்டுத்தான் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்பதில்லை, ஒளிரும் மின் விளக்கிலிருந்தும் அறிந்து கொள்ளலாம் அன்பின் மிகுதியால் செய்யும் செயல்கள் யாவும் சுமையாக தெரிவதில்லை சுகமாகவே தெரிக்கின்றது மனதில் சலனம் என்பது கார்மேகங்கள் சூழ்ந்து மழைவர தயாராக உள்ள தருணம், அது செயலாக மாறினால் மழை பொழிந்துவிடுவது போல. மனதோடு நின்றுவிட்டால் காற்றடித்து மேகங்கள் கலைந்து விடுவது போல முடிவு என்னவாக இருக்கும் என்பதை யோசிக்காமல் எந்தக் காரியத்தையும் தொடங்காதே ஆரவாரம் சொல்லித்தராத பல விஷயங்களை அமைதி சொல்லித் தருகின்றது அந்த நாளை என்பது எந்த நாளை என்பது தான் புரியவில்லை கோபமும், குரோதமும் உங்களையே அவமானப் படுத்துகிறது நாம் ஒரு துடைப்பக்கட்டை என்பதைப் புரிந்துகொண்டால் தெளிவு வந்து விடும் மாறுவது மனம் ! ஆறுவது சினம் ! அறியாத சிறுவனா நீ ?! ஒரே விஷயத்தை பலக்கண்கள் பார்த்தாலும் விஷயம் ஒன்று தான் வானம் எப்போத


     Contentment is one attribute that most of us want in us. But this wanting is again a search for something. Let us try to investigate within the limited purview of this author about contentment.   A child goes to a school for kindergarten, then slowly the comparison with the best student starts. Then this goes to college, work and so on. What actually defines that you are the best student or the best employee or whatever best it is? This commercialisation of the best has made things superficial, don't understand why it can't be one of the best. Not everyone can be good at the same thing, everyone is unique. And each unique talent needs to be appreciated.   We somehow are taught to be afraid to be our own, we always seek to be better than our neighbour, better than the next kid in the school and so on. We are constantly seeking achievement, success, pride. As we grow on, these characteristics just grow with us linearly making it unbearable for ourselves at times. Somehow we

இவன் உணர்ந்த உண்மைகள் ~ பகுதி 2

  1.        பிரபஞ்சத்தின் இயக்கத்தை அறிவது விஞ்ஞானம் ! பிரபஞ்சத்தின் இயக்க சக்தியை அறிவது மெய்ஞானம்   2.        பிழைப்பிற்காக கற்பது மட்டும் கல்வியன்று பலரை பிழைக்க வைப்பதற்காவே கல்வி   3.        உழைப்பு என்பது நீ உழைக்கிறாய் என்ற உணர்வை கொடுக்காத உழைப்பாக இருக்க வேண்டும்   4.        உன்னை உனக்கு அடையாளம் காட்டுபவரே குரு   5.        மற்றவர்க்குப் பிடித்தது போல் வாழ்வதற்கு மற்றவர்கள் இருக்கிறார்கள் !   நமக்கு பிடித்தது போல் வாழ்வதற்கு நாம் மட்டும் தான் உள்ளோம் !   6.        சத்தமாக வருகிறான் , சத்தமில்லாமல் பிரிகிறான்   7.        மனிதன் அமைதியில் தொடங்கி , நிறைவேறாத ஆரவாரத்தில் திளைத்து , மீண்டும் அமைதியைத் தேடி அலைகிறான்   8.        உலக தாய்மொழி தினமான இன்று , ஒவ்வொருவரும் தங்கள் தாய்மொழி இலக்கியங்களில் ஒன்றையாவது தங்கள் வாழ்நாளில் படிக்க உறுதி பூண வேண்டும்.   இலக்கியங்கள் தான் ஒரு மொழியை உயிர்ப்புடன் வைத்து , அடுத்த தலைமுறைக்கு வாழ்வியலையும் மொழியுடன் கொண்டு செல்ல உதவுகின்றன.   9.        மனிதன் மாடு , நாய் போன்ற பிற விலங்குகளிடம் பேதம் காண்பதில்லை !   த

Things this guy realized - Part 11

  1.        One with contentment is the richest person   2.        Discoveries and inventions were made through the interactive perceptions with the universe. To justify them the equations were derived. But it is a question that, if the current education systems are focusing on to realize those interactive perceptions or on only understanding the derived results?   3.        One that does not perish is a timeless entity   4.        Art is the mastering of skill through practise   5.        External stimulation lasts shorter, Internal stimulation lasts forever   6.        If you have to gossip, gossip about ideas   7.        Taxing a service is not service, it is business   8.        Most of us live a life having dreams within a dream, but only one Christopher Nolan was able to picturize it.   9.        What you are today is what you wished once   10.    If Marriage is a personal contract, then Constitution is a social contract   11.    Getting go

Things this guy realized - Part 10

1. Illiteracy is not in not knowing how to read and write. But in not knowing how to think. 2. Killing the body doesn't end this misery, only killing the mind does 3. Intelligence and wisdom are two different entities 4. As in movies only the actor and actress work come to limelight, the director's work goes unnoticed many a times. In the timestamp of universe as well, the same applies we celebrate the actors and actresses without noticing the director's work. 5. We want the storyline of the movies/matches we watch to be thrilling, but not our own. 6. Belittling others is the lowest use of an intellect 7. Selective justice is also injustice 8. Maintaining calm during calamity is something only a few have mastered 9. The message is the same, but only the messengers are different 10. In our daily lives, when we are entitled to our opinions, we might turn a blind eye to facts. 11. Removing the sense of entitlement, creates the path for enlightment 12. Good leaders are great l

Things this guy realized - Part 9

1. Through not observing what is in the mind of another a man has rarely been seen to be unhappy, but those who do not observe the movements of their own minds must of necessity be unhappy. ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 2. When the going gets tough, the tough get going ! 3. With this relative mind, the absolute cannot be found 4. If you want success only do it with your brain, if you want it with peace do it with your heart 5. The real self is like the railway track, it is static and still, just different trains go on it, on the self different thoughts crosses, but the self remains static and still 6. Water in a pond is completely still as long as nothing disturbs it, similar the mind becomes completely still when thought shall cease 7. "The moment we want to be something we are no longer free." ~ K 8. Is the mind is located within the body ? 9. You will meet your destiny even if you don't want to 10. Productivity is directly proport

Things this guy realized - Part 8

1.        Thought is like a breath, you inhale and exhale once then that breath is completed, if you try to told that breath for too long you suffocate. Same is the case with thoughts, be it a bad or a good thought. 2.        "The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence." ~ K 3.        Worry is trapping of thoughts. Pleasure is trapping of senses. Liberty is freedom from both. 4.        Whatever done half heartedly is like the clouds, it disappears. Whatever done with conviction stays forever like a sky. 5.        It doesn't take anything to be nothing 6.        We can't see thoughts but it exists. Are they real or illusionary ? 7.        Religions are like rivers that all merge in the sea of spirituality, but human's tendency to build dams to stop it's original flow for varied causes, has created doubts about it. But whatever man has built is temporary, while Nature would take it's own course. 8.        The

90's kids the focal point of different transitions in India

 In this article we are going to interpret the different transitions that have happened in India, post-liberalisation through the prism of so-called 90's kids, specifically the middle band of the '90s (1994 to 1997) with background about their predecessors. People born in '40s,'50s :   First, we will try to understand the lifestyle of people born in the '40s, '50s of the 20th century in India. Those days the houses weren't electrified except a few, and the mobility between places was not much. The means of communication was typically through in-person meetings (or) through messengers. Gradually they moved onto postcards (or) inland letters after middle age (late 20's). There was no television but only transistors that too shared ones in a street, Most of them from were an agricultural background for occupation. They lived in a slow and steady lifestyle, typically in the countryside with a lot of sharing practices amongst them. People born in '60s,