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Things this guy realized - Part 9

1. Through not observing what is in the mind of another a man has rarely been seen to be unhappy, but those who do not observe the movements of their own minds must of necessity be unhappy. ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

2. When the going gets tough, the tough get going !

3. With this relative mind, the absolute cannot be found

4. If you want success only do it with your brain, if you want it with peace do it with your heart

5. The real self is like the railway track, it is static and still, just different trains go on it, on the self different thoughts crosses, but the self remains static and still

6. Water in a pond is completely still as long as nothing disturbs it, similar the mind becomes completely still when thought shall cease

7. "The moment we want to be something we are no longer free." ~ K

8. Is the mind is located within the body ?

9. You will meet your destiny even if you don't want to

10. Productivity is directly proportional to unwavering focus, making things easy for ourselves and others, not glorifying the completion of one's assigned essential duties.

11. The greatest intelligent tool we rarely use is 'Common sense'

12. India's major export is it's talent.If this is considered as an export entity, India's trade deficit with many countries will become trade surplus.

13. When we travel in a highway in night, when we come across the brighest headlight , nearly nothing is visible. It's not because it dulls others light, but outshines them. Similarly, when we amplify our postive thoughts, automatically our negative thoughts become less powerful.

14. Where there is a differentiation, there is discrimination

15. Whatever comes after 'I am ...' is transient

16. We are fooled everyday but we try not be fooled only one day.

17. We pay lakhs of rupees and most of time to get primary, secondary education and professional degrees. But zero rupee and zero time to become a human being with common sense. What is the use of these degrees if we don't learn to apply the things we know ? The writer is also one amongst these.

18. Nothing can give you peace than having a clear conscience. That will truely mean Rest In Peace.

19. If there is no for, then there is no against. That is reality.

20. Never admonish someone completely, everyone is good in some ways.

21. If mind follows a curfew, then humanity is at peace

22. The world needs people who does and not who says

23. The urge of wanting to be right can make us go wrong

24. Secure leaders create leaders, Insecure leaders create followers.


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