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Showing posts from December, 2019

Things that this guy realized - Part 6

1) When you start criticizing yourselves for your mistakes, instead of pointing your fingers at others then you have matured. 2) If you are talented you can get closer to the line, only if you show perseverance you can cross the line 3) The best way to live a miserable life is to pay attention to what other people are saying about you ~ Paulo Coehlo 4) The real people who have seen god doesn't say they have seen god.... The real leaders never say that they are leaders 5) Hope will set you free ! Prisoner will make you a prisoner ! 6) To live a happy life we should never overthink 7) In the past it was told that what you read is what you become, now it can be slightly modified, what you browse is what makes you up....The former will always be true but in the present world the latter holds the key

இவன் உணர்ந்த உண்மைகள் ~ பகுதி 1

1) மனம் எனும் கோட்டையில், ஆசை எனும் ஓட்டை விழும் போது, இந்த ஓட்டை விழுந்த கோட்டையை எப்போதும் நிரப்பமுடியாமல் போய்விடுகிறது 2) அறிவும் ஞானமும் ஒன்றல்ல, சில சமயங்களில் ஞான பெறுவதற்கு அறிவு தடையாக இருக்கலாம் 3) சத்தத்தைத் தேடுபவன் ஒரு போதும் சத்தியத்தைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியாது 4) பயத்துடன் வாழ்ந்தாலும் வாழ்ந்துவிடலாம், ஐயத்துடன் வாழமுடியாது இவை இரண்டையும் கடந்தால் ஜெயம் 5) தன்னைத் தானே உயர்ந்தவர் என்று எண்ணிக்கொள்பவர்களால் தான் யார் என்பதை அறிய முடியவில்லை 6) மற்றவரை மட்டம் தட்டுவரை விட மட்டமானவர்கள் எவரும் இல்லை 7) பிறக்கும் போது கொண்டு வந்ததில்லை; பிறந்து மண்மேல் இறக்கும் போது கொண்டு போவதில்லை; இடை நடுவில் குறிக்கும் இச்செல்வம் சிவன் தந்ததென்று கொடுக்கறியாது இறக்கும் குலாமருக்கு என் சொல்லுவேன் கச்சி ஏகம்பனே ~பட்டினத்தார் 8) மாதா உடல் சலித்தாள் ! வல்வினையேன் கால்சலித்தேன் !வேதாவும் கைசலித்து விட்டானே ! நாதா இருப்பையூர் வாழ் சிவனே இன்னம்ஓர் அன்னை கருப்பையூர் வாராமற் கா ! 9) சாதியால் பிரிக்கப்படும் போது, மதத்தால் இணைகிறோம் மதத்தால் பிரிக்கப்படும் போது, மொழியால் இணைகிறோம் மொழியால் பிரிக்கப

Things that this guy realized - Part 5

1) One who has a why to live can bear almost any how 2) A quiet mind can take us to places where no entity on earth can take us to 3) We live to impose our intentions on others 4) Where there is a choice, there must be a confusion. 5) A poison is poisonous only on substances which treats it as a poison 6) Life begins when Fridays alone are no longer a sign of liberty and Mondays are no longer a sign of tyranny 7) One is never afraid of the unknown, one is afraid of the known coming to an end 8) Never compromise your long term goals for short term gratifications. 9) Successful people convert crisis to opportunity, people who are striving for success, convert opportunity to crisis 10) The best meditation technique for 21st century would be staying away from gadgets 11) Today is the tomorrow, what you thought yesterday ! 12) If you are not in peace with yourself, you can never be in peace with anyone 13) The greatest things in the world are intangible 14) Ignorance is sometimes confused

Things that this guy realized - Part 4

1) The most important responsibility of any leader is to ensure that the followers feel 'Secure' 2) The best way in responding to negativity is indeed in 'not responding' to it! 3) Nothing in life as important as you think, it is when you are thinking about it ! 4) The things that are invisible have more values than the things that are visible to the human eye ! 5) Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan ~ Margaret Thatcher 6) “Leadership is taking responsibility while others are making excuses.” 7) A leader doesn't need a title, but he definitely needs a vision to succeed! 8) Don't be back driven by fear, be driven by hope! 9) The greatest of achievements originated from a simple idea ! 10) Some live old at 20's, some live young at 80's, age is just a number. As the scientific saying goes 'Energy can never be created or destroyed, but can be transformed to one form or another'. Here energy is the Infinite Intelligence ! 11)

Things that this guy realized - Part 3

1) Glory to god. Somethings happen by chance, even if it isn't something you wanted. 2) Happiness and contentment are two sides of the same coin 3) People are important for those who are tied to opinions !     Events are important for those who are tied to learn from experience !      Ideas are important for those who want to transform the world ! 4) Simplifying the process is the biggest process 5) The mind will see things clearly only when it is slowed down, just like how a FM channel be selected by tuning slowly 6) Knowledge is in getting to know many things, wisdom is in applying the known things at the right time. Knowledge is a potential energy, wisdom can transform it into a kinetic energy. 7) The 21st century belongs those who are able to act as a bridge between human and machines, in the language that the latter understands 8) To encounter great moments, it has to be understood that we are constantly in motion as long as we are in this universe 9) Inventions come fro

Things that this guy realized - Part 2

1) There are no bad days, but only days where the seeds are sown for the good days! 2) Arrogance is a form of ignorance! 3) Conviction in our thoughts and actions is one of the most important things! 4) You can convince the world with your lies, but not your conscience 5) To have peace, we must avoid regretting the decisions that we made in the past!  6) The Chances you get, are decided by the choices you make. So be wise in your choices! 7) We stand divided by land, united by Sky 8) Every time you run away from a challenge, you fail to seize an opportunity 9) Each time you pray, you speak to your inner self 10) The Kingdom of Body is in harmony, when its ruler the Soul and its distractor the Mind are in harmony 11) The more wisdom you gain, the more ignorant you feel 12) When you start criticizing yourselves for your mistakes, rather than pointing your fingers at others then you have matured. 13) Days Go, Weeks Go, Months Go, Years Go, People Go....But Memories won't 14) W

Things that this guy realized - Part 1

1) We ourselves struggle to become the version of how we want to be, but still we want others to be the version of our projections 2) Karma Yoga in the technology world:     A developer has right only to feed the input, it's the processor has the right to deliver the output 3) The moments that frightens us, also strengthens us 4) Knowledge gives security, wisdom gives freedom 5) Homo sapiens is a paradoxical animal, until it is able to realise the eternal truth ! 6) All is one ! One is all ! 7) Entitlement is inversely proportional to Enlightment 8) Your eyes are prepared to see, what the mind has already written 9) We are what we devote our energies for ! 10) Success is measured by the lives we transformed ! 11) The one ideology that has been thriving well in the 21st century is 'Localised Globalisation' 12) The prime investment is in how you invest your time ! 13) The deepest of waters is never disturbed, only the shallowest is disturbed 14) Wh