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Things that this guy realized - Part 4

1) The most important responsibility of any leader is to ensure that the followers feel 'Secure'

2) The best way in responding to negativity is indeed in 'not responding' to it!

3) Nothing in life as important as you think, it is when you are thinking about it !

4) The things that are invisible have more values than the things that are visible to the human eye !

5) Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan ~ Margaret Thatcher

6) “Leadership is taking responsibility while others are making excuses.”

7) A leader doesn't need a title, but he definitely needs a vision to succeed!

8) Don't be back driven by fear, be driven by hope!

9) The greatest of achievements originated from a simple idea !

10) Some live old at 20's, some live young at 80's, age is just a number. As the scientific saying goes 'Energy can never be created or destroyed, but can be transformed to one form or another'. Here energy is the Infinite Intelligence !

11) Each time you pray, you speak to your inner self

12) The power of our mind is one of the hardest things to measure by any means

13) Happiness and contentment is a state of mind and not a state of possession !

14) Technology with especially things like AI is an innovative form of Karma, what you follow, will follow you faster than ever !

15) Human is a crazy animal, who uses productivity tools that kills productivity

16) Emotions triumph logic

17) Money was invented by a human being

18) To listen to the voice of the universe we would have to fine tune to the stillness of mind, as like we fine tune our favourite radio channel, but either sides of the radio channel we hear only disturbances, it applies to the stillness of our mind as well.

19) Whatever we have learnt is a mere imposition, unless we realise it ourselves

20) One who believes the actions and results by self, has to reminded that the sound of the waves of the ocean comes only by the interaction of waves with air not on it's own.

If there is no medium then we will neither see light nor hear sound

21) The highest form of self awareness is in watching our thoughts without interfering with them

22) Whenever there is a headline, watch out what is sidelined as well. Not only in news but also day to day.

23) Your happiness is defined by how you define you

24) Life's important days are countable, the rest we live the same again and again

25) Our dreams or fears are merely the projections that we have created or the ones imposed on us. Freedom is only when we conquer the feeling of 'I' or the 'me'.


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