As one starts to write in this blank page with too many thoughts running through his mind without any reason. When the year started one did not know what to expect from it. The month of January one didn't know what the remaining 11 months might bring about, that is what is our essence of life we don't know what tomorrow might bring about, but all that we can do is to give our best 'NOW', which in turn is going to make tomorrow a beautiful place to live.
The months of February and March with some uncertainties and some unexpected instances, and slowly in March the assembly elections started to take over one's mind. He was always a contrarian The months of April and May, the country was going through an unprecedented medical tsunami in the form of second wave, whoever passed it through should certainly be grateful to Guru and God, and pray that everything is taken care to prevent any such instances. Also one had went through some special moments in the month of may.
The next four months June to September one was faced with tremendous uncertainty, but things were also settling down well, the Mind is an interesting instrument it wants to pursue something or the other based on the vasans, the movement is the nature of the mind. When we aware of this movement then that mind has a different quality. From June, one entered the world of Krishnaji very deeply, thanks to Eternity's wish, else one might have gone mad as well in those times.
Knowledge is a bondage that gives brain and mind the security, all the time the brain is wired to seek security in one form or the other, that has driven this civilization crazy. When the brain doesn't crave and keeps itself quiet, the accumulation of knowledge, for creativity to be born, and if we are lucky, the doors might for something else in that silence, which can't be described by words. But the question is it possible, slowly if we become aware of our thoughts without analysing them but by just watching it without interrupting slowly it might cease to exist. If we notice closely, the moment we become aware that someone is watching us, we tend to be quiet, if we can turn that inner eye to watch ourselves then it is certainly possible. When knowledge ceases to exist, only then the unknown can come into being.
The months of November and December has certain uniqueness which one can't put it in words.
As we complete 2021, we are writing a new chapter in 2022, or for the matter reading the chapter which the eternity and Guru and God has written. Wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2022, may it be the best of all. Thank You!!
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