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Tribute to Krishnaji

 First of all, one wonders why Jiddu Krishnamurti is not much known or made to know in this country, as much as he should be, but let us leave that to destiny. But for some reason, one had an urge to write some pointers from his teachings. Essentially Krishnaji himself has mentioned clearly in his talks that he doesn't want anyone to be attached to his teachings, interpret or conceptualize it in fragments and also mentioned he has no specific form of teaching except as acting as a mirror to see oneself clearly, but when one is able to see Oneself clearly, one can through away the mirror (his talks, dialogues). Also, he has mentioned clearly, listening to his talks for many years doesn't make one divine or something. One feels there are four types of people in the way they approach life and we will see some pointers.

1) His talks, dialogues, and writings may not be optimal for people who are already leading a life of contentment, absolutely devoted to God with full faith in God as in either case there is total peace and they never mind what happens. 

2) The second set of people, who might not find him interested is people who are ambitious, constantly in the pursuit of acquiring something, and running the rat race materialistically, they might not be reading this as well.

3) The third set is people who are momentarily discontented, for them his teachings might give some interest, but once their discontent is gotten rid of through better possessions, they might go back to their own ways.

4) The fourth and final set is people who are neither here nor there, want to live a life materialistically but underneath feel there is much more beauty to life, his teachings might absolutely fit them.

Here are the pointers from observation.

1) Face the fact as is, don't try to run away from it (or) wrap it up with something. And observe the fact without building an opposite and reason to it.

2) Get to the root of all things, the root may not be the romantic part of the tree, the leaves (or) flowers maybe, one can still live peacefully with the company of leaves (or) flowers, but eventually one day all of us has to get to the root.

3) We don't see things as they are, but we see them as we are, this is the most important part of our daily in our relationship with ourselves and others. For example, when one sees a tree, one only sees the image one has built about the tree not the actual tree at that moment. 

4) The current civilization is built based on needs and transactions, hence as this civilization evolves we are becoming more and more people with intellect and mind superficially and less and less of heart.

5) We all seek to be become secretly in the highest order of power, to be Chief Minister or prime minister or the next Krishnamurti, but we never let us to 'be ourselves. And also once we come across a teacher or a guru we immediately jump to analysis and conclusions which is rather unnecessary, what matters is only looking into ourselves all the time.

6) Though human beings live as individuals each of us share the same contents of consciousness (desires etc.) as mentioned in the above point.

7) Only when the contents of the consciousness is emptied from the mind, there is a different atmosphere in the mind altogether, this is the actual process of meditation through 'Choiceless awareness', basically paying attention to each and every thought as it arises without interfering with them.

8) One thinks this point is most important. The human brain which is the accumulation of many thousand years of humanity from hunting animals to this ruthless civilization today, which essentially seeks security in one form or the other, which forms the essence of the Darwinian theory of "Survival of the fittest", which is absolutely superficial and doesn't take humanity anywhere except for brutality. We seek security in our daily life in one way (or) the other, that's how the constant comparison between oneself and others which eventually leads to the intricacies of the mind. But when the brain is free of this constant seeking, then the quality of life is immense with tremendous vitality, which is true religious life.

9) Thought can never be Sacred though it acts and deceives. Thought is always a projection of the past into the future making it also a product of the past. Thought maybe needed for technical and factual details, but not psychologically.

10) Thought is always caught in the opposites, fear vs hope, bad vs good, and so on. To go beyond this, an immense awareness of the present can do.

11) All the countries are preparing for military activities due to suspicion between the countries, but they talk about peace and humanity all the time. If all countries can agree upon disarmament mutually, then there is peace. Most of the countries allocate the highest proportion of GDP to the military and a meager proportion to education. 

12) Education when one is able to express, learn oneself totally without any form of comparison is true education.

13) There is love only when there is no need.

14) Where there is no self or the ego or me, beauty is.

Thank You!!


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