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Showing posts from January, 2022

Notes - 29th January 2022

 1) When you take out the me then there is nothing left  2) Try to learn from everything you will earn more  3) Attachment is the root of fear  4) It is beyond knots, a divine knot  5) கடலின் மேற்பரப்பில் அலைபாயும் அலைகள் தான் கண்களுக்கு தெரிகின்றன, ஆனால் ஆழமாக அமையாதியாக கடலின் அடிப்பகுதி கண்களுக்கு புலப்படுவதில்லை   6) Freedom is on the fly, not in the cage

Notes - 20th January 2022

 "The Human Mind by Nature is judgmental, constantly evaluating, condemning, accepting one thing or the other, which invariably leads to division in one form or the other, the you vs the me or they vs us. But for the absolute to come into being, this duality should cease, in a state where only the action exists, without any form of reaction, either positive or negative. Remain with the fact. For example, we see a delicious food, when we project ourselves eating it is a reaction, but to remain just seeing the beauty of the food without condemning or yielding to it is Action. That is intelligence". ~ Snippets from Krishnaji

Motivation - Notes 05th January 2022

 1) When a tennis ball is hit hard on the cement ground it rises back more higher 7️⃣ 2) We always want to capture the moment, but rarely do we want to see the moment 3) Usage is conditional, Care is unconditional   4) The concept of family might have been to induce this everyone can't look after everybody, but everyone can look after one  

One Thought at a Time

 Though we have may have many clothes in the shelf or rack, but if we try to wear them all at once what will happen?! Similarly, the mind is occupied with so many thoughts that is the scenarios, mind is a serial processor it can process one thought by thought and even if that slows down completely then the mind is at peace with itself.