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Showing posts from June, 2021

Things that this guy realized - Part 7

1.        When the 'Me' disappears 'Clarity of Thought' appears   2.        Truth shall prevail   3.        When the 'You' dies, the 'Me' also dies. What is beyond the 'You' and 'Me' ?   4.        Mastery arrives when the doer ceases and the doing alone exists   5.        You need not have an opinion on everything   6.        Ego is about who is right. Truth is about what is right. ~ Mike Maples   7.        We often judge others behaviour, but become advocate of our behaviour, once we reverse this our life becomes automatically better   8.        Where there is comparison, there is discrimination. Be as you are.   9.        A good citizen need not be a good human being, but a good human being is always a good citizen ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti   10.    Money is a game of wits and guts   11.    Everyone wants to do, but only a few do   12.    There are no experts, but only beginners   13.    Let go


Thoughts the one entity which engulfs man all the time. Like the rivers originate from a small point, but expand and flow exponentially, at least the path, flow, and destination of rivers are defined. Whereas for the thoughts we don't understand the exact origin, the path, the flow nor the destination where we are taken to. We get lost in the thoughts and get carried away. The author feels it is rather unnecessary to go into the quantum of thoughts that we have each day, but wants to understand the proportion of, how many thoughts that we get into are realistic, and how many thoughts we convert into action in actuality? Just like the clouds on the sky, the thoughts are never static and are temporary. But very rarely the sky is without clouds, similarly our mind is always preoccupied with the thoughts, with one thought giving way to the other endlessly. Is there a beginning or an end for thoughts? Well as long as we are focusing our mind outwardly, there is hardly any chance to unde