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Showing posts from February, 2020

The workplace - 10 rarely spoken nuances and nudges

Workplaces are where most of the middle age population spend most part of their time. There are certain aspects of the workplace which are less spoken, but which has an indirect impact on our behaviours. Let us try to investigate how some of them. The magnitude of the impact of these nudges varies based on the personality's mindfulness. 1) Travel Travel is an integral part of the work routine if the workplaces are at a considerable distance from our living spaces and there is no remote option. Travel is something which kick starts our day. It acts as a nudge in setting the tempo for rest of the day either knowingly or unknowingly. For example, you are travelling through the office cab and have a good nap throughout the journey, which could make your brain feel fresher through the rest of the day, on another side if you miss a cab one day and board through the public commute, you don't get a good seat you might have a level of annoyance which can persist throughout th