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Showing posts from January, 2020

India's Economy - Thinking through the Journey and the Road Ahead

What comes into our mind when we first hear the word 'India'? Diversity? More than 1000 year old monuments? A land of wisdom? Crowded places? The skyscrapers, fast highways may come as the last pictures in one's memory. India has always been a great place for pilgrimages wherein people come in the quest to understand the true meaning of the life that has been given to them. People of India come from the ethnicity of saving and trying to live a life with contentment. But this contentment has been slowly fading in the age of consumerism. Let us see the journey of India economy and its chances of blooming in the future. The Journey: Years 1947 to 1990 :  After Independence, India had adapted the socialist and protectionist principles mainly assuming that adapting capitalism would be letting something similar to East Indian Company through the back door after attaining independence. So the state was keen to keep all the powers and licenses of businesses under its co

The Go Green Dilemma

It has become a trend for any individual or a group to join one or the other Go Green initiatives going around after the impact created on the environment by rapid development of industries, infrastructure and rapid urbanization. Planting trees is one of the common initiatives that is going around as part of the Go Green campaign. Now let us correlate the journey of mankind along with Nature. During the primitive days of mankind there was hardly any domestic infrastructure, the human beings lived just like any other animal wandering in forests and seeking shelter under the trees, a lifestyle completely integrated with Nature. As humankind evolved they started living in huts made out of woods from older trees, which are a byproduct of Nature. Till then human beings were connected with Nature so the rivers, oceans and the air weren't polluted for thousands of years. Steadily with the advent of industrialisation there was sophistication in domestic lifestyle and infrastruct

Transformation of data and analytics with information technology

The world we are in is driven by data. In other words, Data has been the backbone behind this transformation with technology. In the early days, trade was driven purely by commodity exchange for which the data was captured in numerics. Later, after the invention of coins and subsequently printed money the idea of market expanded with the printed money being able to be a common currency. For this study, let us take the emergence of the United States' economy. From the advent of market economy starting 19th century, consequently there was a need for a banking system and public investment through stock markets and US had higher flow of goods and services, enabling a larger consumer base which meant the data was saved in paper and pen. This resulted in a need to store this data better, which the technology enablers started doing throughout the 20th century. So for this it needed to be stored in servers for there was a visual input and output needed. This enabled the pursu

An analogy between harmonic distortions in power systems and distortions in mind

Students of electrical engineering as like me, would have come across the term 'Harmonics' in electrical power systems. Let us see an analogy of it with the harmonics of our mind. Harmonics Harmonics in electrical power systems as defined, is any distortions to the sinusoidal waveform in the AC circuits due to non linear loads. fig. Representation of a normal sinusoidal waveform in green and distorted waveform in other colors due to harmonics                               Harmonics in electrical power systems With the advent of modern power electronic devices in the form switching devices eg. Fan regulators and increase usage of some these non linear loads such as PC's, refrigerators have caused increase in the harmonic distortions.  Effects These harmonic distortions cause overheating to the devices and adding up to distortions in power factor impacting the real power output. Analogy of harmonics to our mind and its cycles When the m